TRG | The Bottom Line – 3/24

TRG next Wednesday and Thursday (March 29 & 30) looks forward to hosting our 8th annual Construction & Industrial Conference. Longevity has been a hallmark for so many companies participating, surviving financial booms & busts, wars and relative peace, and for a handful, at least two global pandemics. Luck Stone is celebrating a big birthday in 2023 - its 100th anniversary - no small feat for a family-owned business. Teichert is the oldest continuously family-owned business participating, dating back to 1887 with its founding in California. Berkshire Hathaway-owned Johns Manville traces its roots back to the H.W. Johns Manufacturing Company in NYC (1858). Post WWII yielded unprecedented growth in the U.S. and companies founded just following the conclusion of WW II include Berkshire-owned Shaw Industries (1946) and privately-held road construction firm CW Matthews (1946), and multi-national law & policy firm Akin Gump (1945).  And we have our relative newbies, highlighting the continued strong entrepreneurial spirit: family owned WesternExpress (1991),PE-owned OmniMax (1996), Cassella Interiors (1997), PE-backed Kodiak Building Partners (2011), Five Star Concrete (2005). This event is so unique because we have gathered the largest private companies in the U.S. in the construction & industrial segment. Aspects that have not changed post Covid – innovation, grit, integrity, patience, vision, and a lot of hard work – none of these companies would be here today without embracing these key qualities.  We look forward to highlighting takeaways from these and other presenting companies!


TRG | The Bottom Line – 3/31


TRG | The Bottom Line – 3/17