TRG | The Bottom Line – 5/6

This past Wednesday, May 4th, marked the 13th anniversary of the launch of Thompson Research Group (TRG). Founded less than two months after the Great Recession market bottom, TRG’s mission has always been to provide unique research in the industries we choose to participate. As we did in 2009, TRG to this day still provides original, fundamental insights and analysis in the construction and industrial sectors. Since our founding, we have developed an extensive network of relationships with both public and private companies. In addition, we have developed relationships across both state and federal governments and key industry policy makers to help better inform us on our industries. The basic value drivers of TRG’s research outlined in our launch letter in May 2009 still resonate today. Today, TRG’s business offering has expanded beyond Sell-side Equity Research to Consulting & Advisory services, further leveraging TRG’s extensive industry knowledge, deep network of industry relationships, and differentiated public policy research. TRG remains just as excited today about future growth opportunities as we were 13 years ago. Importantly, we have been extraordinarily fortunate to work with a wide range of great people, literally spanning the globe. Thank you for your support throughout the years, and we look forward to many more.


TRG | The Bottom Line – 5/20


TRG | The Bottom Line – 4/29