TRG | The Bottom Line – 8/30
TRG core state revenue collections once again fared better than expected in FY’24, having anticipated a decline of between 2-3%. California seems to have righted the ship, outperforming peer states as its GF collections were up a solid 24.2% YOY (Q4 up 48.0%). Excluding California’s strength, other core states combined for a modest 1.4% YOY gain. As Virginia’s Secretary of Finance stated earlier this month, the unexpected strength in revenues were due to 1. unrealized recession concerns, 2. an increase in non-farm payrolls (albeit as a slower pace), and 3. consumers continuing to spend. The Secretary went on to say the state has never been in a stronger position. In fact, reserve balances are above the 15% statutory cap and the state expects to return over $8B to taxpayers. Other states, e.g. Tennessee, have also stated they are “well-prepared” for any potential downturn with a flush rainy day fund. Looking into FY’25, the majority of states are forecasting small GF gains of 1-2%. Fortunately for much of our coverage group, strong budgets also trickled down to the DOTs. As reported in earlier TRG reports, only 20% of IIJA funding has been spent. In a recent conversation, a Florida DOT contact shared only $700MM of the $4.4B approved in additional state-led funding has been spent to date. We continue to believe the public construction outlook is solid.